Friday 26 September 2014

Lima is Bad for Your Skin

It did not take a rocket scientist to see, and mostly smell, that the air in Lima is highly polluted and unhealthy, but it has come to my attention that it actually has the worst air quality in the whole of South America, according to the World Meteorological Organization. Great.

For a couple of months now I have been having terrible trouble with my facial skin - normally so, well...normal, it has turned into a dry, itchy, flaky mess, despite my diligence in cleaning it morning and night, and wearing suncream to offset the effects of the sun and airborne pollutants. Running my finger along my forehead now feels like I am reading braille rather than touching human skin, and now it is clear why. I dread to think what is happening to my insides!

The worn out buses and taxis are apparently the main culprits, and I can believe that - many of the vehicles I see I can't imagine would be allowed on the road for more than 5 minutes in the UK.

Knowing the air pollution levels are nearly three times that of what’s recommended by the World Health Organization is a scary prospect, which is making me look forward to taking my first gulp of clean air when I set foot on home soil in December. I just hope I make it til then...

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